The Predalien was shown to possess titanic strength, as it was able to effortessly break through solid concrete and outmatch and overpower a Predator with ease this is because a Xenomorph is always stronger than its host type. It also has a large crest similar to that of a Queen Xenomorph. This particular Predalien was a young Queen, as it had the ability to impregnate female hosts with multiple (up to five) Bellybursters via an inner jaw proboscis-like tube inserted into the host's throat (much like how a Facehugger impregnates a host). Bio-helmets displayed the Predalien as a bright yellow color compared to the neon green of a Drone. The Predalien also appeared to emit greater or at least different electromagnetic pulses than human-spawned Xenomorphs. Its blood seemed to be slightly greener than that of the Xenomorphs spawned from other creatures, suggesting it inherited some aspects of the glowing blood of its host. The Predalien's tail was much thicker, longer, and less skeletal than a human-spawned Drone's.

The dome covering the head was also slightly more transparent than a Drone's and hollow eye sockets could be seen beneath.

This Predalien possessed mandibles, dreadlocks, a yellowish hide, and had a large multi-spiked blade for a tail.